How Long Does a Volume Lash Fill Take?

Learn how long it takes for an experienced technician to apply volume lash fills with light extensions. Find out why waterproof mascara should not be used on eyelash extensions.

How Long Does a Volume Lash Fill Take?

BL eyelash extensions are a popular way to achieve dramatic, long-lasting looks. With lengths ranging from 5 mm to 20 mm, the most popular extension length is around 11 mm or 12 mm. Applying a full set of eyelashes takes about two hours and can be maintained all year round with touch-ups recommended every three or four weeks. A medium set of eyelashes is an economical alternative to achieve a similar effect. If your eyelash extension supply closet is only full of popular curls, such as C and D curls, you'll be limited in offering a truly personalized look.

Volume lashes are a great way to customize the look and create fullness that you might not have naturally. This application requires a master skill, since the eyelash artist uses the lightest extension on the market to create a handmade fan and meticulously applies between 2 and 6 extensions for each eyelash. I use a patented pattern of lengths and widths to develop the design that works best to keep your natural eyelashes healthy and strong. Once selected, the eyelashes are applied one at a time with a specially formulated semi-permanent glue that does not irritate the eyes or damage the natural eyelashes. It is your responsibility to guide your client if the eyelashes are too long for their natural eyelash, as they can cause the extensions to fall out prematurely.

Eyelash fillers should be scheduled every 2 to 3 weeks to maintain proper volume, as the natural eyelashes come off. To calculate the correct size of the volume range, you must understand the relationship between the thickness and weight of the eyelash extension. The use of waterproof mascara in extensions is not recommended for any type of glue, as it is difficult to remove and, in fact, you can tear your eyelashes out prematurely when trying to remove it. In addition, your eyelashes may fall out if you rub them or try to pluck them yourself, which is a big no-no. A volume lash fill typically takes longer than traditional eyelash extension applications due to its intricate nature. The process requires an experienced technician who understands how to create a customized look that will last.

The technician will use light extensions and apply between 2 and 6 extensions for each natural lash. The technician will also use a patented pattern of lengths and widths to develop the design that works best for each individual client. It's important to note that volume lash fills should be scheduled every 2-3 weeks in order to maintain proper volume. Additionally, waterproof mascara should not be used on eyelash extensions, as it is difficult to remove and can cause premature lash loss. Lastly, rubbing or plucking your lashes should be avoided at all costs.

Estelle Bungart
Estelle Bungart

General travel fanatic. Unapologetic beer lover. Lifelong web scholar. Total web ninja. Friendly introvert. Award-winning pop culture fanatic.