How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last? An Expert's Guide

Eyelash extensions are a great way to get long, full lashes without having to struggle with false ones every day. But how long do they actually last? Learn more about the typical lifespan of eyelash extensions and how you can maintain them.

How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last? An Expert's Guide

Eyelash extensions are a great way to get long, full lashes without having to struggle with false ones every day. But how long do they actually last? According to experts, the typical lifespan of eyelash extensions is six to eight weeks, depending on your own eyelash cycle. With proper aftercare, you can expect your extensions to look and feel full and fluffy for four to six weeks. Most people prefer to book refills every three weeks to maintain a full lash line.

It's important to have realistic expectations about the eyelash extension process before committing to it. Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent and individually glued to natural hair, so they are highly customizable and look real. However, they are not cheap and other products may contain ingredients that can weaken the bond of eyelash extensions and cause them to come off prematurely. It's important to use eyelash shampoo every day, especially the day you get your extensions done.

If you don't want touch-ups and want to remove your extensions naturally, you'll have to wait almost eight weeks for the last piece to fall off. In reality, there isn't much evidence to show if eyelash extensions actually affect your natural eyelash length or your long-term health. If you're considering getting eyelash extensions for the first time, it's important to know how long they last and how well they will be applied by the technician. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy long, full lashes for up to eight weeks.

Estelle Bungart
Estelle Bungart

General travel fanatic. Unapologetic beer lover. Lifelong web scholar. Total web ninja. Friendly introvert. Award-winning pop culture fanatic.