Eyelash fillers are a great way to keep your lashes looking full and beautiful. But how often should you get them done, and what factors can affect the longevity of your extensions? In this article, we'll explore the basics of eyelash fillers, how they can help improve your natural beauty, and the habits that can affect the life of your extensions. In general, it is best to perform a refill service when the customer has at least 40% of the eyelash extensions left in the full set. This means that you should aim to get a refill every two to three weeks.
However, this may vary depending on your individual eyelash growth cycle and other factors. Your eyelash technician is an expert in eyelashes and will be able to give you advice on what type of style you are looking for, as well as details about your habits that could affect the longevity of your extensions. Some habits are more conducive to your extensions living a long and happy life along with your natural eyelashes, while others may be less than useful. When it comes time for a refill appointment, your technician will spend between 15 and 20 minutes removing the grown eyelashes and then proceed to an almost complete series, except for about 10-20 lashes in each eye.
This set uses gel patches for under the eyes, breathable tape, medical tape for eyelash extension, L-shaped tweezers and straight isolation tweezers. If both you and your technician understand your goals and your eyelash extensions are filled with this type of schedule, your eyelashes will look better and feel better without effort. As long as you follow the time guidelines between a full set and a restock appointment, your eyelashes should have a density of between 70 and 100% or more compared to a full set after this appointment. Refills aren't the best for beginning eyelash artists, because you'll keep making mistakes as a new eyelash artist and your work won't be perfect.
But with practice and patience, you can become an expert in no time!.